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    Friday, September 12, 2014

    HTML Editing-How to hide one or more Posts from blogger blog Home page

    HTML Editing-How to hide one or more Posts from blogger blog Home page- Hiding some of the post of their blog form their home page is a common practice among bloggers. It may be due to the fact that they think the post has lost its relevancy or for some other reason. Whatever the reason may be but blogger often hide some of their post from their home page. There are various method of hiding the posts from the home page. I found one such method on a blog while surfing. The procedure given there was correct but I think I have one more easy procedure. Here is the procedure-
    HTML Editing-How to hide one or more Posts from blogger blog Home page
    HTML Editing-How to hide one or more Posts from blogger blog Home page
    First of all you will have to decide which of the post or posts you want to hide from your home page. If you want to hide 2 posts then you will need the 19 digit unique post ID of both the posts. To find the 19 digit unique post ID of your blog posts-

    · Login to your Blogger dashboard 

    · Backup your blog and template 

    · Click posts, Blogger will display the list of your published posts 

    · Find the post you want to hide and click ‘Edit’. 

    · The post will open and the URL will contain the 19 digit unique post ID of your blog posts like this –

    Hide a post from blogger home page
    Hide a post from blogger home page
    Find the URL of each post in the same manner and note down them carefully.

    Now you will have to make small changes to your blog’s HTML document as per the procedure given below -

    · Click Template

    · Click Edit HTML to open the blog’s HTML document

    · Click inside the open HTML document and press Ctrl+F to open the HTML Search box.

    · Enter the following code in the HTML Search box and press Enter. The code will appear highlighted.


    Now paste the following code just above the code “]]>