• Breaking News


    Thursday, November 6, 2014

    How to reset -Windows internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome

    How to reset -Windows internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome-Windows internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome are the three top web browsers and are main targets of the cyber criminals. As these three web browsers are used by the largest number of users in the world therefore cyber criminals develop malicious software compatible to these three popular web browser. Therefore it is essential for all internet users to know the resetting process of these tree web browsers because if we reset our web browser, it automatically comes to its original position and all the plugins/Extensions/Adware are removed.
    How to reset internet browsers
    How to reset internet browsers

    How to reset -Windows internet explorer

    • Open the browser windows internet explorer.
    • Click the gear Icon in the top right hand corner.
    • The following screen will appear.
    internet explorer Gear icon opened
    internet explorer Gear icon opened

    • Now click ‘Internet Options.
    • The following screen will appear.
    internet explorer internet options
    internet explorer internet options
    • Now click ‘Advanced’ in the top right hand corner.
    • Now the following screen will appear.
    Click ‘Reset’

    How to reset- Google chrome

    • Open the web browser Google Chrome.
    • Click the gear Icon in the top right hand corner.
    • The following screen will appear.
    How to reset- Google chrome
    How to reset- Google chrome
    • Now click ‘Setting’
    • The following screen will appear.
      Google Chrome advance setting
      Google Chrome advance setting
    • Locate Default browser and click “Show advanced settings”
    • The following screen will appear.
    Google Chrome setting
    Google Chrome  setting

    • Now go to bottom and locate ‘Reser settings’
    • Under ‘Reser settings’ tab click ‘Reser settings’

    How to reset- Mozilla Firefox

    • Open the web browser Mozilla Firefox.
    • Click the gear Icon in the top right hand corner.
    • The following screen will appear.
    Firefox menu
    Firefox menu

    • Click the ‘?’ in the bottom(If you have an older version Click ‘Help’)
    • The following screen will appear.

    Troubleshooting Information’.
    Troubleshooting Information’.

    • Click ‘Troubleshooting Information’.
    • Now the following screen will appear.
    Firefox refresh screen
    Firefox refresh screen

    Click ‘Reset Firefox’

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