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    Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    How does malware infection come to your PC-all tricks used by criminals

    How does malware infection come to your PC-all tricks used by criminals-Cyber criminals and malware authors use many methods to spread their malware products. Aim of the malware may be different like grabbing money directly, grabbing money in the name of giving antivirus software, stealing sensitive information and later use it for illicit purpose. Basically all these are Malicious software also known as malicious code or malcode. Virus, Trojans, spyware etc. all these are malcode. New malcode come all the time and some new malcode are even not detectable by the anyivirus/Anti spyware software. Cyber criminals use one or all of the following methods to spread the malcode developed by them -
    Malware Infection
    Malware Infection

    Malware infect come to your PC through Spam emails

    Spam emails is the most common method used by cyber criminals and Malware authors. They use one and or tricks to convince you that the attached file is very useful for you to download the file but certainly it is a malicious files. Sometimes you may receive an email attachment telling you that it is a bill or voucher, a receipt of a delivery, an invoice for a ticket or a Tax refund order. It may indicate that to get the goods delivered to you, or to get paid you have to open the attachment. The hidden malware will automatically be installed on your PC without your knowledge or permission if you open the attachment.

    How to spot a Malicious Email

    A malicious email can be spotted easily if we apply some mind – it will be poorly drafted, could contain spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. The mail will come from a source unknown to you and you’ve never heard before about the sender. Sometimes an emails may look like originated and coming from a legitimate source, a business, a govt. office or a person or office known to you. This may happen when a cyber criminal using some malware hacks a genuine email account and use it for sending malicious spam. 

    How to prevent your PC from being infected by a Malicious Email

    It’s a good idea to consider the following-
    • While you receive an email with an attachment and it instigates you to download the attachment in your benefit, the first thing must come into your mind that who is this man and why an unknown person is so much worried about my benefits.
    • If such email seems to be received from an official source like a taxation authority, please think that is there anything you have to receive from the office in question.
    • If such email seems to be received from a business house and says about invoices and deliveries please think that is there anything ordered by you which is still pending.
    • If you aren’t sure about the sender and some thing else looks suspicious please don’t open it
    • Some times the email may request you to update your particulars or something alike, don’t click on the link in the email because it is certainly malicious.
    • Unexpected emails from unknown person or source with attachment or a clickable link are always malicious. Therefore never open an attachment to an email or click a link in the mail which you weren’t expecting, or sent by some unknown person/source.

    Infection through removable drives and PCs connected to the same network

    Many times we receive and give software, games etc. through removable media, but always keep in mind that removable drives like USB flash drives or external hard drives are a common source of spreading many worms and infections. The malware are so cunningly packed in the removable media that by just inserting it into your USB slot the malware will be automatically installed to your PC. Some worms can also spread and infect all the PCs of a network just switching on the PCs connected to that network. 

    How to avoid infection through removable drives and PCs connected to the same network

    You can avoid this infection by following these simple steps –

    • Always keep the ‘Autorun’ option disabled in your computer.
    • Before installing a software to your PC Run a security scan of the removable media.
    • In case of Windows 7 or higher version always work in standard account and not in the administrator’s account.

    Infection coming Bundled with other software 

    Some times we download some software from the internet and install it on our PC. Some of these software are bundled into it in a tricky way. While we install the program the malware will also be installed the other programs which we downloaded and installed. Software from third-party websites or files shared through P2P networks are also included in this category. Later we detect that Some programs have installed other potentially unwanted software applications like toolbars or programs displaying ads while browsing the web. Programs are also installed with other software generating software keys (keygens)

    How to avoid malware Bundled with other software 

    • Always downloading a software from the official website of the software developer.
    • Always read the instructions and TOS carefully and don’t just click OK otherwise some times we will download a malware in a legitimate way.
    • Never choose an express or recommended installation but always choose a custom or advance installation and opt-out extra applications by unchecking a box during the installation. 

    Infection coming from Hacked or compromised web pages

    When you visit a web site and it is infected, it will try to use the vulnerabilities to infect your PC with malware. Malware mostly use commonly known software vulnerabilities or a security hole in your software that can give malware access to your PC. Some times legitimate website have been compromised or hacked by cyber criminals and used to spread malware. 

    How to avoid Infection coming from Hacked or compromised web pages

    • The company which developed the software releases fixes for vulnerabilities through online updates. therefore it’s extremely important to keep all your software up-to-date.
    • Remove outdated or not in use software. 

    Infection downloaded and installed other malware 

    There are some malware of the types that if our PC is infected with these, these will download and install malware on our PC in the back ground without our knowledge. These type of malware will download a number of malware other than the threats present in your PC. Once these threats are installed on your PC they will continue to download more and more threats. 

    The best protection from malware and potentially unwanted software is an up-to-date, real-time security product, such as Windows Defender for Windows 8, or Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

    If you want to read more on Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows and Windows Live Mail Free Spam Filter please click this link.

    If you want to read more on Windows 7-difference between a domain, a workgroup, and home group please click this link.

    If you want to read more on Microsoft Office Keyboard Shortcuts To work Faster and easy please click this link.

    If you want to read more on How to Remove High Risk Dangerous Trojan.BitcoinMiner please click this link.

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