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    Wednesday, June 24, 2015

    HTML Basics-List tag, the ordered List, Examples using various attributes

    HTML Basics-List tag, the ordered List, Examples using various attributes-In my previous article I explained types of lists such as Ordered List, unordered list and Definition or Description List and the unordered list in details with examples. In the unordered list, disks, circles or squares are displayed with the list items where as in the ordered the list items are marked with numbers or alphabets. Any numbering scheme appropriate to the language context such as Numbers(0 to 9), alphabets(Upper case or lower case “a to z or A to Z”), roman numerals(I,II,III,IV etc.), arabic may be used. The
    tags and then the usual
  • tag is used.  An optional list header tag may be used.
    HTML Basics-List tag, the ordered List, Examples using various attributes
    HTML Basics-List tag, the ordered List, Examples using various attributes

    The ordered List
    Let us discuss the ordered list in detail -
    Tags and attributes used in an ordered list
    Opening and closing tags of the ordered list
    To define the heading of the list(Optional ).
  • To define the items of the list
    To display the list in numerical order(1,2,3….), this is default order
    To display the list in alphabetical order(Capital alphabets or upper case as A,B,C…)
    To display the list in alphabetical order(small alphabets or lower case as a,b,c…)
    To display the list in roman numerals(Upper case)
    To display the list in roman numerals(Lower case)

    Example without using any attribute or the default 1,2,3… will be used –
    Office Stationery
  • Note Books
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Erasers

  • Office Stationery
    1. Note Books
    2. Pens
    3. Pencils
    4. Erasers

    Example of ordered list using the attribute type=”1”

    Office Stationery
  • Note Books
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Erasers

  • Office Stationery
    1. Note Books
    2. Pens
    3. Pencils
    4. Erasers
    Note- The default order of the numbered list
      is 1,2,3… therefore the result of using the “type=”1” will be similar to that of without using any attribute.

    Example of ordered list using the attribute type=”A” -
    Office Stationery
  • Note Books
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Erasers

  • Office Stationery
    A. Note Books
    B. Pens
    C. Pencils
    D. Erasers

    Example of ordered list using the attribute type=”a” -
    Office Stationery
  • Note Books
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Erasers

  • Office Stationery
    a. Note Books
    b. Pens
    c. Pencils
    d. Erasers

    Example of ordered list using the attribute type=”I” -
    Office Stationery
  • Note Books
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Erasers

  • Office Stationery
    I. Note Books
    II. Pens
    III. Pencils
    IV. Erasers

    Example of ordered list using the attribute type=”i” -
    Office Stationery
  • Note Books
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Erasers

  • Office Stationery
    i. Note Books
    ii. Pens
    iii. Pencils
    iv. Erasers


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