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    Monday, July 27, 2015

    Important SEO Settings for Blogger Blogs the blogger search setting

    Important SEO Settings for Blogger Blogs the blogger search setting-Search Engine Optimization is very crucial job, whether it is a blog or a website. In this matter the bloggers who blog on the blogger plat form, must feel very lucky that the blogger’s search engine settings are so easy and user friendly that even a new blogger can easily understand and set them. Proper search settings effect not only Google search engine but these effect all the search engines. Therefore your search settings must always be search engine friendly. Following are the main setting which every blogger must do carefully –
    Important SEO Settings for Blogger Blogs the blogger search setting
    Blogger Blogs-Important SEO Settings

    Always write a search description of all your blog posts

    While creating a new blog post, a search description option appears. Always write a search description using important keywords used in the post. This will give you positive search result. We will have to activate this option first. To activate search description, login to your blogger dash board, click setting, click search preferences, go to ‘Description’ and you will see [Disabled], click edit, choose yes for Enable search description ?, now a box will appear. Please write your blog description in 150 characters in the box. Click save changes and now your search description will be activated. Read more-Add Meta Description to Blog Boost Search Traffic

    Setting the Custom Robots Header Tags of a blogger blog

    The properly set custom robot header tags will give you better search results. This setting is very easy. Login to your blogger dashboard, click setting, click search preferences, click edit Custom Robots Header Tags, your tags will appear. The ideal custom robot header tags settings are given below.
    Setting the Custom Robots Header Tags of a blogger blog

    Ideal Setting of Custom Robots Header Tags of a blogger blog

    Proper setting of Blogger’s Custom Robots.txt file

    This is a small text file but very powerful. A small mistake in this file may spoil your entire search results and you may receive a crawl error message from Google. If you are not very expert never try to edit this file and use the Google’s default robots.txt file which the best option. Read more on ‘Robots.txt file’ here.

    Use a mobile friendly custom blogger template

    Blogger is always user friendly and allows its users to use a custom or third party blogger template. Using a custom blogger template or a third party blogger template may give you better search results. There are millions of free and premium blogger templates available on the web. Choose a good and responsive free to download blogger template and install it on your blog. Please note that your template must be mobile friendly otherwise your search result will be adversely effected. 

    Your Blogger Blog Post Title swapping will boost your traffic

    Customizing your blog post title or changing the title to h1 and swapping your post title, Blog post title first and the blog title next, will give you better search result. For this you will have to make some small and easy changes in your blogs HTML document. You can read more on blog title swapping here.

    Thanks for visiting this page.

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