• Breaking News


    Sunday, January 10, 2016

    How to link Google input tool to your blog comment box

    When we write posts on our blogs, we expect that the readers let us know about their opinion about the post by posting their comments in the comment box. We can judge the quality of our post by number of viewers and readers comments. Most of the readers comment in English but some of them want to comment in a language other than English. In such case if we link the Google input tools  with our blog comment box, it will be a great advantage to our readers, and they will be able to comment in 110 languages worldwide. We can easily link Google input tools to our blog comment box by adding some HTML scripts to our blogger template.
    Blogger comment form
    Blogger comment

    • Login to your blogger dashboard using your login ID and Password.
    • First click setting>posts and comments and change ‘Comment location’ to “Embedded”.
    • Next Click ‘Template’.
    • Click ‘Edit HTML’, the HTML file will open.
    • Click anywhere in the open HTML document.
    • Press ‘Ctrl+F’, the HTML search box will be opened in the top right hand corner of the open HTML document.
    • Find the closing HTML tag . To find it write in the HTML search box and press ‘Enter’. The closing HTML tag will be highlighted. You will find this tag at the end of the document.
    • Now copy and paste the following script above the “” tag.
    Note – Please note that I have written this article ‘Hindi’ focused but those who want to change the language, please replace the text in red colour(HINDI) with their desired language. The spelling of the language must exactly tally with that given at the Google inputtools website

    Now find the following string in your HTML document-

    To find it, copy and paste it in the HTML search box and press ‘Enter’.
    Please note that you may find this string twice.
    Please copy and paste the following script just below both the strings –
    हिंदी में लिखिये,भाषा बदलने के लिए Ctrl+G दबाएं
        http://www.wikigreen.in/add-google-transliteration-tool-near-comment-box/" target="_blank">+Get This Tool

    Note – Please change the following as per your choice-
    1.       Replace wikigreen  with your blog key word. For example my blog URL is wikigreen.in so I used wikigreen.
    2.       Change हिंदी में लिखिये,भाषा बदलने के लिए Ctrl+G दबाएं with your desired language. The text means “write in Hindi, press ‘CTRL+G’ to change language’. 
    3.       As per the script above the width of the comment box will be 500 pix and the height will be 200 pix. If you want to change the height and width of the comment box change the figures 400 and 150 as per your choice.
    4.       Replace http://www.wikigreen.in with the URL of your blog.

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