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    Sunday, March 20, 2016

    Niel Patel-The legend, the iconic personality of the webworld

    Niel Patel-The legend, the iconic personality of the webworld-Though I am an engineer by profession but much interested in history specially in the life history of inspiring icons. Consequently, I published articles on the life of Acharya Chanakya, Chandragupta Maurya, Alexander the Great etc. Last week, during the conversation at Dinner my mother and father advise me that there are many outstanding personalities at present also  who are in no way less than Acharya Chanakya or Chandragupta Maurya. Why not you write something on their inspiring lives. Mom and Dad’s advice really inspired me and to selected select someone from the internet world first. I began to explore the world of internet for people whose contribution has been unique, have a collaborative nature and are interested in helping new bees to grow. In this intensive search the name I found Best of all is Mr. Neil Patel, yes, Mr. Neil Patel.

    Niel patel the legend
    Niel patel the legend


    Early life

    The story of Mr. Niel Patel is very interesting. It reveals, how a man born in England revealed his talent to the world as a citizen of United States. Mr. Niel Patel was born in London  on April 24, 1985 in a family of Indian origin. His family was business oriented, thus he was surrounded by the entrepreneurs from his early childhood.

    The family of Mr. Niel Patel shifted to California(United States) about in 1987 while he was only two years old. During the period of shifting from England to United States and setting up the family there the family of today’s multimillionaire and world’s renowned personality, had to face a little struggle too.

    He got his early education at John F. Kennedy High School and then the Yale University California. During high school days he started to show his talent.

    A teenager Entrepreneur

    Mr. Niel Patel started to show his talent as a marketer even when he was a teenager, While he was studying at the John F. Kennedy High School. He started to sell CDs there in partnership with his cousin but soon he realized that this business is not earning considerable money and started to purchase cable black boxes in bulk from the online retailer eBay and resell them. This business gave him great profit but while he realized that this may be contrary to the law he gave it up immediately and decided to acquire a resellers permit from the State Board of Equalization to start reselling automotive parts. He started to buy car parts at a discount to resell them and earned considerable profit.

    An honest Entrepreneur

    From the very beginning Mr. Niel Patel believed in “Honesty is the best policy. When he was doing the business of reselling the CDs, he frankly refused to purchase or resale pirated copies of CDs and while he came to know that the business of cable black boxes may be contrary to the law he gave it up immediately. No incident of false promises or not fulfilling his promises has been revealed so far.

    Helping nature

    In today’s busy world, people don’t recognize even their neighbors but even being a multimillionaire such a high skilled personality Mr. Niel Patel is far away from this tendency. He is a man as if the whole world is known to him. He is always ready to help every one approaching him, weather he is a beginner or an experienced one.

    A major setback did not discourage him

    While Mr. Niel Patel decided to invest in web hosting and invested one million dollars in Vision Web Hosting a web hosting company but it never worked out and he lost his entire investment. The huge loss did not discourage Mr. Niel Patel but he realized that this was not an option for him and as result his renowned creation “The crazy egg” came in to existence.

    The Crazy EggcrazyEgg

    If I don’t discuss about Crazy Egg, an important thing will be missing.  After the loss of a million dollar investment Mr. Niel Patel realized that investment wasn’t for him and as a result the company Crazy Egg came in to existence creating a lot of buzz and attracted much interest of Fortune 1,000 companies. To make the 1 million investment loss good, he decided to sell Crazy Egg for price of ten million dollars but while could not sell it for the asking price of ten million dollars he decided to make Crazy Egg profitable.

    The Tough Routine

    Once Crazy Egg was running in loss, therefore he was not enjoying the profit of millions coming from the consulting company because the income of Internet marketing agency was going to make the loss at Crazy Egg good. To come out of it, being a full time student Mr. Niel Patel worked for more than 8-10 hours a day, travelling place to place for organizing almost 50+ lectures, seminars conferences per year. The efforts of Mr. Niel Patel gave positive results and Crazy Egg started to give profits.

    Career timeline a street retailer to top executive

    Mr. Niel Patel started his first job of an incharge of ward boys at Knott’s Berry Farm while he was only 15 years old. The job was earning some extra income but the job was a little tougher as he was made incharges of the group of boys who were responsible for picking up trash, emptying trash cans, cleaning restrooms and sweeping up vomit. Most of the teenagers try to avoid such tasks but Mr. Niel Patel loved his job and completed his responsibilities which indicates Mr. Niel Patel was very responsible even in his childhood.

    After working for 3 months at Knott’s Berry Farm Mr. Niel Patel joined a better job of Salesmanship at the firm Quality Systems and was assigned the job of  selling Kirby Vacuums. He was assigned the job of selling a costly item($1600 per item) and to sale it he had to go door to door and giving demos to convince the customers. The job did not earn him a consistent salary but a few hundred dollars in commission per sale. Soon the businessman in him  realized that an average American could not afford to pay $1,600 for a vacuum cleaner.

    An aspirant Mr. Niel Patel realized that jobs are not for him as jobs can never make him rich and he decided to explore better opportunities. He discussed his sister who was working at Oracle Corpn. She  introduced him to a consultant at Oracle who was charging $125-250.00 per hour from the companies. This inspired him much and started looking for consultancy jobs and later decided to start his own consulting company. But unfortunately, was a minor(Below the age of 18 years) and not a college graduate. To remove both the hurdles he joined the Cypress Community College with the help of his sister to finish college in 2.5 years.

    The turning point

    While Mr. Niel Patel joined The Cypress Community College he delivered three speeches and one of his speech on “How Search Engines Work” proved the turning point while immediately after finishing the speech a representative from Elpac Electronics who was among the audience invited him to take over as their consultant on their Internet marketing strategy. He realized the talent within him and decided to start his own Internet marketing company. His brother-in-law(His sister’s husband) extended considerable help in this task.

    While working at Elpac Electronics Mr. Niel Patel provided excellent results which attracted the attention of the son of Elpac Electronics’s owner who was running his own ad agency and a considerable number of marketing contracts started coming with his help.

    Prestigious honors and awards won by Mr. Niel Patel

    Mr, Niel Patel has won many prestigious awards. I don’t claim that I have listed below all the awards and honors but I have tried my best-

    • The United Nations has declared Mr. Niel Patel one of the 100 top entrepreneurs of the world below the age of 35 years.
    • US president Barrack Obama recognized Mr. Niel Patel as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs of the world under the age of 30 years.
    • The Wall Street Journal recognized Mr. Niel Patel as a top influencer on the world wide web.
    • The United States House of Representatives has awarded Mr. Niel Patel the prestigious Congressional Recognition.
    • Mr. Niel Patel has been recognized one of the top 10 online marketers of the world by Forbes.
    •  Mr. Niel Patel has been recognized as a creator of world’s 100 most brilliant companies by Entrepreneur Magazine.

    Signature of success

    In addition to streamlining his own companies like Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, KISSmetrics and others, he has a great role in helping and considerably improving business growth of the world level companies like Amazon, NBC, Facebook, Microsoft, eBay, GM, HP About.me, dell, etsi, mint, librato, ptizimely, twilio, yahoo, Viacom and the list is long enough. In guidance of Mr. Niel Patel the renowned website mashable wonderfully recorded a 30 percent increase in traffic within a short period.

    How to reach Niel Patel

    To approach Mr. Niel Patel the easiest way is his website. Visit his website, and you will find there, everything you need. If you don’t find the desired help there, you can contact him easily and get a lot of help there.

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