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    Monday, December 12, 2016

    How to run whatsapp on a computer

    Whatsapp web service {Basically it may be use as hacking against those peoples, who don’t know about it} –Whatsapp is now well known and considered to be the largest messenger service in the world. Every person having a Smartphone device, use the whatsapp messenger service. It is the best way to share text massages, images or small videos. It is an amazing messenger service but it is more amazing that
    Out of 100 peoples using whatsapp messenger, 80 of them don’t know about whatsapp web service. That is one of the most amazing service provided by whatsapp originators. Whatsapp provide that service for those peoples who like to use whatsapp on their desktop computers which is a better way than using it on a mobile phone. By this facility you can easily start using whatsapp on your pc just within a minute.
    All of your chats or contacts will automatically appear on desktop screen in just one click. Simply follow these steps –
    First you have to open the link by Clicking here
    {Now it will open like the image given below}
    web Whatsapp Image 1
    web Whatsapp Image 1
     Here you get a QR(Quick Response) code like the one shown in red box in image above.

    Now you have to scan this code through your smart phone.

    For that open whatsapp messenger in your Smartphone (Remember that your whatsapp application have to be updated). It will open like image given below.
    Open whatsapp messenger in your Smartphone
    Open whatsapp messenger in your Smartphone

    Now touch on screen at options, which shown red circle in image above.

    Option list will open as shown in the image given below. In this list touch on the “whatsapp web” option which shown by red box in image.

    Select Whatsapp web
    Select Whatsapp web
     After that you got next screen that shown like image given below. Here you will be prompted for scanning the QR code. Now scan the code and touch on “OK, GOT IT” as shown in the red box

    Whatsapp QR code screen
    Whatsapp QR code screen
    After that you will get scanning window, as shown in the image given below. Take your code in this window, which is on your desktop screen like red box in image 1.

    Whatsapp looks like this in your PC
    Whatsapp looks like this in your PC
    After scanning that code, in just few second your whatsapp come on your desktop screen. It will appear as shown in the image given below.

     Now you can use your whatsapp on your pc. Next touch active any chat, contact like displayed in the image above by touching red box contact and it will be open like the image below. Here you can chat with that contact. Send him images and videos just like on your Smartphone app.

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