• Breaking News


    Friday, October 3, 2014

    How to add reply link to your blogger blog posts

    How to add reply link to your blogger blog posts-To ensure easy navigation and easy to use tools to your readers is a best practice. Adding a “Reply Link” to your blog post comments is one of such important tool. In addition to easy navigation it will beautify your blog. You can get this facility my changing over to Disqus comments but disqus comments does not look beautiful as if you create your own. If we want to add such link to our blog posts we need to make small changes to our blogs HTML document. You can easily create it by following easy steps given below –
    How to add reply link to your blogger blog posts
    How to add reply link to your blogger blog posts

    1) Login to your blogger Dashboard using your blogger ID and password. 

    2) Click template and backup your template. It is always essential before starting editing your template. 

    3) Click customize. 

    Now the HTML file of your blog will open. Click anywhere in the open HTML document and click CTRL+F. Now the HTML search box will appear in the right hand corner of the HTML document. Now you have to find this code- ]]> so please copy and paste this code in the HTML search box and press Enter. The code will be highlighted like this -


    Now post the following code just above it
    margin:5px 0;
    font:10px sans-serif;
    Edit the code as under –
    1.       To Change the background of the Link in active mode replace #000000  with the color code of your choice.
    2.       To Change the Link color in hover mode replace #FFFFFFwith the color code of your choice.
    3.       You can change the font of your choice by replacing sans-serif .
    4.       To change position replaceright with left.
    5.       Click here HTML Colour Code help.
    Now find

    Edit the code as under –
    1. You can rename Reply.. as per your choice.
    2. You have to Replace????????????????? with your BLOG ID.
    3. Click here to know how to find your Blog ID
    Now safely save your Template. Click here to know how to save your template safely.
    Exit and check the results of your work.          

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