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    Friday, April 17, 2015

    HTML Basics-Important Tags, Attributes and usage Made Simple

    HTML Basics-Important Tags, Attributes and usage Made Simple-The Hyper Text Markup Language is in fact a way to define the layout of the page. It is a text file and the browsers while opening it, try to find the HTML codes, images and links inserted in the text and act accordingly do display the layout. The Hyper Text Markup Language uses tags attributes to instruct the browsers. Important tags and their related attributes, values are given below -
    HTML Basics-Important Tags, Attributes and usage Made Simple
    HTML Basics-Important Tags, Attributes and usage Made Simple
    Tag or Break Row

    This Tag is used to break the row. This is an empty tag, means this tag has no end tag. It is very useful while writing some thing  like an address or a poetry. Any thing written after
    start from the next line. Please note that this tag can not be used to separate the paragraphs.

    The -Tag

    This tag works just opposite to the
    tag mentioned above. It is a container tag, means it has an end tag . The entire text between the and tags will be displayed in a single line and in case the text is too long horizontal scrolling may result. This tag is considered a non standard tag and classified as non confirming in HTML5.


    This tag is used to display a horizontal ruler or to define other thematic changes. In comparison it is used more in semantic terms than in presentational terms.

    Attributes used with

    Align – Values used – ‘Left’, ‘Right’or ‘Centre’
    Color – Color name as ‘Blue’ ‘Red’or HTML Color code as #000000 for black and “#FF0000” for Red
    Noshade – Used if no shadow is to be shown
    Width – Defines the width of the ruler in pixels.
    Size – It defines the height of the horizontal line. The measuring unit is pixel.     

    The -Tag

    This tag is used to define the color of the font, face of the font and size of the font. However this tag is not supported in the HTML version5.

    Attributes used with Tag

    Color – Color of the font is defined by color name like “Red”, “Blue” or by HTML color code like “#FF0000” for Red and “#0000FF” for blue

    Face – Face is used to define the font used like “Calibri”, “Arial” etc.

    Size – Size is used to define the size of the font. The font size is defined in number between 1 to 7, however browser’s default  font size is 3.

    Font size  is also defined as “+1”, “+2” or “-1”, “-2” and so on. Here “+2” means the font size is 2 units larger than the standard size and “-1” means the font size is 1 units smaller than the standard size

    See the examples -

    Text to be written!
    Text to be written!

    The Tag

    The tag is used to insert a text scrolling area either vertically or horizontally. This tag is not supported by some of the browsers. Therefore it is a non standard tag and can not be relied upon.

    Attributes used with <MARQUEE> Tag

    Direction -  This sets the direction of scrolling inside the marquee. The values are “up”, “down”, :left” and “right”.

    Behaviour – This sets, how the text to scroll inside the marquee. The values used are “Alternate”, “Slide” and “Scroll”. If no value is defined, “Scroll” will be the default value.

    Bgclolr – It is used to set the color of the back ground. color name like “Red”, “Blue” or hexadecimal value or HTML color code like “#FF0000” for Red and “#0000FF” for blue are the values.

    Height – This sets the height of the marquee. It may be in pixels or in percentage like ‘10’ or 20%.

    Width - This sets the width of the marquee. It may be in pixels or in percentage like ‘10’ or ‘50%’.

    Loop – This sets, how many times the marquee to scroll. If no value is specified, the default value will be effective. The default value is ‘-1’ which means infinity or the marquee will scroll endlessly.

    Hspace -  This is used to  sets the Horizontal margin.

    Scrollamount – This is used to set the amount in pixels at each intervals, ‘6’ is the default value.

    Scrolldelay – It is used to set  the time delay(Gap) between scroll movements measured in milliseconds. ‘85’ is the default value. A value below ‘60’ is not accepted, therefore always use above ‘60’.
    Truespeed- The scrolldelay value below ‘60’ are ignored and the values not ignored are ‘truespeed’.


    tag or the division tag is used to define a division, to group block elements to format them with css to layout of a webpage.


    This tag is used to define the contact information of the document owner or author. If the
    tag is in the element it defines the contact information related to the document, If the
    tag is in the
    element it defines the contact information related to that article

    Example –

    Written by:Name here
    Visit us at:


     tag is used to display a preformatted text with unusual formatting or a computer code.



    tag or the paragraph tag


    tag is used to create paragraphs and to combine text in logical groups.

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