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    Sunday, August 21, 2016

    Why you should delete Facebook Search history how to delete it

    Facebook  is one of the largest Social Media websites, having more than 175 million active users. Though  number of users is quite astounding but a large number of them may not be knowing about the secret that face book keeps a record of their search activities. However facebook gives an option to you to delete your search history but Facebook doesn't allow its users to completely turn off the search history feature, however you can delete the search history manually.
    Why you should delete Facebook Search history how to delete it

    Why you should delete Facebook Search history how to delete it

    Why should we delete Facebook Search history

    Though facebook claims to guarantee that no other person can see our search history but facebook itself is not dependable and losing credibility day by day. They are also facing a number of blames including providing information to CIA and other security agencies.

    Read on - Download facebook profile, Activities logs andeverything and save to your Harddisk  

    How to delete Facebook Search history

    To delete your facebook search history login your Facebook account.
    Click on the small upside-down triangle in the top-right hand corner. A multi option menu will appear like this. 
    Facebook multi option menu
    Facebook multi option menu
    Click Activity Log. (Here Facebook stores all your actions tracked within the site. The Activity Log stores a lot about all your past activities.). the activity log screen will appear like this.
    Facebook activity log screen

    Here you will find the option “More” at two places. One just after ‘Comments’ and another after ‘All Apps’. You have to choose the first option (After “Comments”) and click it. Now the option “More” will expand like this.
    Expand Facebook “More”option
    Expand Facebook “More”option
      Now click on search and all your search related activities within site will be listed date wise and grouped in months as shown in the image given below..
    Facebook search history
    Facebook search history    

    You can clear search entries one by one by clicking the crossed-circle icon on the right side selecting Delete. You'll be prompted to confirm the action. Once you confirm the action the search will be deleted from your history.
    To clear the entire search history without to individual entries, click the "Clear Searches" link located at the top-right of the list. You'll be prompted to confirm the action. Once you confirm the action the entire search will be deleted from your history.

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